What Are Special Education Needs?
Special education needs are a broad term for kids who require extra support at school. They might have a mental, emotional or physical disorder that prevents them from learning like their peers. Usually, they have to be tested to see whether or not they qualify for the program.https://specialeducationalneedsanddisabilities.co.uk/
When a child has special educational needs, their school must adapt the curriculum and teaching techniques to accommodate them. This is done through various methods, including adjusting the content, methodology and delivery of instruction to match the student’s abilities. For example, a student with an intellectual disability may need one-on-one instruction to learn to read and write, while a child who is blind or deaf will have to be taught through other sense modalities, such as using Braille.
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Children who have special educational needs are identified in schools and local authorities by the Children’s Act 2014 (Section 20). These include those with speech, vision, hearing, or mobility problems; children who are mentally ill; those who are gifted; and those with autism, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or other childhood diseases.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act requires all public schools to offer special education services to eligible kids. It says that these students should learn alongside their non-disabled peers “to the maximum extent appropriate.” That means they shouldn’t be segregated or taught in a separate classroom, unless it is the least restrictive environment for them. However the nature and severity of a child’s disability is determined by an assessment, which can be carried out by a health visitor, doctor or teacher.