Email Verification With API
Email verification with API refers to integrating the email validation process into software and programed protocols on your web page or application. This means that any time a user inputs an email address it will be automatically verified on the backend to ensure only valid emails enter your database. This helps you prevent bad actors from wasting your marketing dollars and keeps in touch with real customers so you can send them receipts, alert them of payment card expiration, or even offer new features to keep them engaged with your business.
Email Verification with API: Streamlining Your Email Verification Process
Email validation and verification is a critical step in any website or application that requires an email address for sign up or registration. This is especially true for any online businesses that collect large volumes of data in the form of new user email addresses.
If you allow visitors to enter an email address on your website without verifying it, you’re going to have a lot of invalid and spammy contact information entering your database. One bad email address can damage your email deliverability, but multiply that by tens or hundreds of thousands of emails and you’ll see your inbox placement and engagement plummet (and perhaps land on a spam trap).
To reduce the amount of bad data on your system, you need to incorporate an email validation service that allows you to validate email addresses on the frontend in real-time. This is usually done by creating an interface for users on your web page or app to enter their email address, and a backend that checks the email address and generates a unique activation code or link for each submission. This is the type of functionality that is provided by the Email Verification API, an easy-to-use and reliable solution for checking email addresses at their point of entry into your system.