Get to know Kobe Ford
Kobe Ford is a passionate advocate for children’s rights and well-being. He currently works with Find A Zerk Kids Now, an organization that focuses on providing support to vulnerable children in underprivileged communities.
Kobe first became involved in the cause while completing his undergraduate degree at the University of Washington. During this time, he volunteered with a number of local organizations that provided aid and support to children from disadvantaged backgrounds. After graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work, Kobe joined Find A Zerk Kids Now as an outreach coordinator. In this role, he assists in identifying families who may be eligible for their services and plans outreach activities to spread awareness of their mission and services.
Kobe has become a passionate advocate for the cause of helping disadvantaged children and has dedicated himself to making sure no child is left behind or forgotten. He often speaks out about the importance of access to education, health care, and other basic necessities that all children deserve. He also speaks up about the need for increased funding for organizations like Find A Zerk Kids Now so they can continue providing aid and assistance to those most at risk.
In his free time, Kobe volunteers with various non-profit organizations focused on helping underprivileged kids living in poverty-stricken areas around Washington state. He also spends time doing volunteer work abroad in countries where there is a great need for services such as those provided by Find A Zerk Kids Now. Through his work both locally and globally, Kobe hopes to bring attention to the issues facing vulnerable children around the world so they have access to resources needed for their well-being and development into adulthood.
Kobe is a dedicated leader and mentor to the children he works with. He strives to create sustainable and lasting change in their lives through education, health care, and other basic needs. Kobe has been instrumental in creating programs that provide educational materials and resources to these underserved communities. He has also served as a role model for the children he helps by demonstrating how hard work and dedication pay off and can help create a better future.